Life Will Be Brighter

You will surely forget your trouble, recalling it only as waters gone by. Life will be brighter than noonday, and darkness will become like morning. You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest. Job 11: 16 -18

Doesn’t it seem as if everywhere we turn these days – on the news, reading online, and talking to others – there seems to be these underlying feelings of restlessness, uncertainty, and concern? We want stability in our nation, in our world, but especially in our own lives. Yet, we seem to hear so much bad news and wonder what is to come.

These verses are such a beautiful reminder of hope when life isn’t what we wish it to be. How grateful we can be that hope is not just wishful thinking; neither is it resignation or acceptance of a situation. Hope is an attitude we can find in God’s love for us that is filled with confidence and assurance that life will go on and that we can get through any and all situations we are facing. It is like a single candle giving off just enough light to get us through the darkness and guide us into the light of His love.

Hope can burn so brightly in our hearts and be all we need to keep us going when all else seems to be failing around us. It is the feeling or understanding that we can get through these uncertain times, pain, despair, hopelessness, or any challenges or difficulties that come our way. Our God is a God of hope and we can always look to Him to provide the strength and courage we need.

God wants us to seek Him with full determination, to hold on to Him during painful times and pray to Him earnestly and with expectation to receive His mercy and grace. In return He will give us His peace, love, and assurance that all will be well.

What a beautiful metaphor is found in this verse as He promises that His light of hope will shine even brighter than the noonday sun and the evening will be as fair and clear as the morning. His light will break forth from behind the thick and dark clouds of life and bring forth the shining rays of hope. If we turn to God and truly seek Him, we will live with rest and security in His loving arms, no matter what is happening around us.

Hope is an anchor for our souls, and we can be assured that we will always be living under his divine protection. What a gift in this life. What a gift of hope for the life to come.


Our Heavenly Father, how can we even imagine life without the hope and assurance of your presence with us? Thank you for filling our hearts with your strength, peace, love, and hope for the future. Without these blessings from you, life would be so overwhelming and unbearable. We give you all honor, praise and glory for helping us through the darkness of life with the light of your love. Amen

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