Nothing Can Separate Us From the Love of God

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8: 38 – 39

“Nothing in all of creation will be able to separate us from the love of God.”  What a promise! This verse has always been one of my favorites, and it gives me such assurance, hope, and peace. For it tells us that nothing can ever keep God’s love and presence from us. It gives me comfort to know that the same God who is with us, is with a little boy named Kobby.

Being a grandparent has been one of the most wonderful gifts, but it has also made us aware of how blessed our grandsons’ lives are, and how little some children have in comparison. Several years ago, we decided if we could make a difference in at least one child’s life, we would be doing something worthwhile. We researched many organizations and decided that Compassion International was one of the most reputable and caring ones we found.

After looking through the pictures of numerous children from many different countries, there was one face that kept bringing us back. Something about his little smile and bright eyes touched our hearts, and Albert Kobina Nkrumah, known as Kobby, became our sponsor child. He is 8 years old and lives in Ghana. What a blessing he has been to us. He is teaching us so much about gratitude, prayer, love, and trust in God.

Every few weeks, I write him a letter, we occasionally send small items in the mail, such as stickers, coloring pages, band aides, and trading cards, and we are able to make monetary gifts to him on his birthday and Christmas. He writes to us several times a year, sends pictures of his family, and speaks of remembering us in his prayers and asking God to bless us.

Can you imagine? He asks God to bless us. We look forward to these letters and knowing he is doing well, and I enjoy writing him. But often it is so difficult to find the words. We want to be encouraging and caring, and ask about school and his family, but other than these things, it is hard to give him news or updates on our lives when our worlds are so different. I can’t even begin to understand what it must be like to live as he and his family do. I felt such sadness for him today as I tried to think of how I could encourage him, and I so wished his life could be different.

We have grown to really care about this little fellow that we will never meet (although Miles is determined they will see each other one day), and we desperately want him to know that we care, that we want his life to be better, and that we are here to encourage, love, and pray for him. We want to help ensure that he will grow and develop as he should, so we do such a small thing to try to make a difference. We send a payment each month to aid him and his family. Our sponsorship allows him to go to school, receive nutritious meals, and get regular health screenings and medical care if needed. But most importantly, our gift will ensure that he will hear about the love of Christ and hopefully, he will learn even more to trust Him with his life and his future.

We should do so much more. He lives in such an impoverished world, filled with diseases, unsanitary conditions, and very little nutritious foods. His home is a small hut with a cement floor, and he has none of the conveniences we so often take for granted, such as running water, a bathroom, or showers, etc.

I can’t even begin to imagine what it would be like to live in his world. The environment he lives in, the lack of resources and goods his family needs, and the struggle they go through every single day to survive. I worry about this sweet child and pray daily that he has enough food to eat, won’t contract malaria or AIDS, be killed, or that he won’t feel worthless or hopeless, as so many children in poverty do. I pray that God will keep him in His care.

What a comfort to know that the same God who looks after us and promises to never leave us nor forsake us makes the same promises to Kobby. Christ lives in each of us, and He lives in this little boy, and nothing can ever separate Him from the love of Christ – not poverty, hunger, disease, or even death. He will give Kobby His strength, His presence, and His grace.  May this child always know the love of Christ.

*If you are interested in helping a child through Compassion International, or even just writing letters to these children in poverty to encourage them, go to


Dear God, there is so much about life we don’t understand, such as why we live in plenty and children such as Kobby live in such need. Be with him and his family. Keep families such as his safe, provide them with your care, and help them to feel your love and grace. Help us to be a blessing in their lives, and may they know of our love for them. Amen

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